Friday, October 8, 2010

End of a busy summer

So, you may have noticed that this blog has been a bit neglected lately. We were too busy having fun, going places, and learning new things this summer to even stop and write about it! One of the many things that Evynn enjoyed doing this summer was working on the garden. She happily helped me to water it, pull the weeds, and harvest the vegetables all summer long. In fact, she LOVES to pick tomatoes. She wanted to pick every tomato she could find, big or small, ripe or not. Mommy wouldn't let her though. She got to pick one red tomato which she would sit in the grass and eat while Mommy gathered the ripe veggies to take inside. Until now...

Now that the summer is over, Evynn has free reign of the garden!

She always remembers to wash her tomatoes before eating them.

Well, not always.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fun with Daddy

"Wow! I can climb this too?!"

"Hi, Mommy! Like my slippers?"

"Hmm, what else can I get Daddy to do?"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Yes, it was 90 degrees today, and yes, she's wearing mittens! Evynn discovered a pair of mittens today, and was very excited to wear them! She didn't want to take them off. She kept admiring her hands. She was quite proud of her mittens.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Loving her baby doll

Evynn has become very interested in her dolls! Today, she took care of her baby for an HOUR, and that's an unheard of amount of time for her to focus on a single activity. It's so sweet. She feeds the baby, gives it hugs and kisses, tucks it into bed and gives it a pacifier. She even got out a little first aid kit and pretended to give the baby medicine and feed her with a spoon.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lesson learned

I decided to share my smoothie with Evynn today. I thought she might like it. I was wrong. She LOVED it!

So, now I know. Instead of sharing my smoothie with Evynn, I'll make her one of her own next time!

Evynn's favorite smoothie recipe

4 big strawberries

1 frozen banana

1 nectarine

a splash or 2 of almond milk

blend and enjoy!

Oh, and Evynn's secret ingredient: Drop a couple of your avocado chunks in it...then it's extra yummy and mommy will let you have the rest to yourself!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

She's a shoe girl!

Evynn has a favorite pair of shoes! She wore them for the first time yesterday, and she didn't want to take them off. Every time I took them off, she gave them back to me so I could put them back on her. She's very proud of them!